Integrity is Possible in Business Today
In fact, we believe that is the way He would want it.
15th Year Update...
I cannot believe how good God is. God built this house. Genesys is His. I would like to thank all of our customers and all of the vendor representatives who have trusted us over the years. I am humbled by the team that God has assembled here at Genesys, and I am thankful that each and every one of them embraces our Purpose and Our Mission.
Our Purpose : To forward God's Kingdom through every interaction.
Our Mission : To be an advocate for our customers and their relationship with their vendors.
Over the years, our purpose and mission became crystal clear. I thank God for the ministry he has provided me. I remember the day that I designed this page. I have not changed one word since the day God put this page on my heart. I am humbled by His mercy and His grace, for I am not worthy.
16 years ago...
Like many people who have a passion for something, I feel the need to share my passion. Genesys Technology Group was and continues to be founded on the principles and teachings of Jesus Christ. Christ is my Lord and Savior, and each morning I kneel at the cross in reverence for the sacrifice he made for me. I am in awe of the man he was and the God he is today.
It is my desire to create a work environment where people thrive in their faith. First, let me say believing in Christ is not a pre-requisite to be employed by Genesys or to work with Genesys…quite the contrary. We will not be handling snakes (even if you want to) in meetings, and I do not intend to press my faith on you in any way. However, from a corporate and personal perspective, I ask each team member (especially myself) to attempt to follow one simple rule each day.
Do to others as you would have them do to you.
Simple enough, right? Walk in the other person’s shoes. Change sides; how would you want to be treated? Stop, gain perspective, and seek wisdom like a hidden treasure. Fast forward and think about the implications of your actions and your words. Unfortunately, it is not as easy as it sounds.
This simple principle is found in the Bible in two locations (Matthew 7:12 and Luke 6:31). Also, it is popularly referred to as the “Golden Rule.” It is difficult to live by, and I work at it daily. It is a constant reminder of what we (as people in this world) should strive for today. Ironically enough, they are all principles and teachings from Christ:
Grace • Forgiveness • Kindness • Honesty • Trust • Wisdom
Jesus Christ is the ultimate example of grace, and I seek His wisdom to practice “The Golden Rule” daily. I do not always succeed; however, I find it very rewarding on the days that I do. My journey has been amazing. I certainly have not always relied this heavily on my Savior. However, now that I do, each day is a gift…good or bad. I welcome the opportunity to chat with you about how I came to where I am today and why I started Genesys, and I hope you will consider including us as part of your technology plans in your institution.
Thank you for taking the time to visit our site and take care.
David W. Saylor
Genesys Technology Group, LLC
Life Verse: Ephesians 5:21